Sunday, May 07, 2006

It was that time of the year again when frolicking in friendly water-fights bring nothing but fun, but essentially GOOD LUCK ! as the Thais believe....
All friends of both Tamarind Hill & Tamarind Springs were invited to celebrate SongKran with both the management staff as well as all our Thai chefs this year. The turnout was impressive despite the fact that it was pouring and traffic was horrendous. We were very happy almost everyone managed to come!

Tamarind Hill was transformed..... warm-colored chiffon sensously draped the colonial posts all around the restaurant, hand-made lanterns ribboned and lit by colored bulbs lined the entire perimeter of the house and the buffet menu....
WOW.....because we were also introducing our new creative menu that night, we created some coordinated cocktails to go with the savories. We must say it was possibly the best we've ever done for any occasion!

The start of the evening was designed to enhance the overall surreal atmosphere at Tamarind Hill that night. Torches illuminate the lush greeness and flickering flames lit the night like fireflies. Guests were greeted by life statuettes of Thai goddesses posing gracefully along the stone pathway, some looked larger than life on the high ledges in the garden while others looked almost unreal peering from the trees underneath the jungle canopy.

First, welcome drinks and canapes were served. We waited with anticipation the arrival of His Excellency the Thai Ambassador and his lovely wife, together with some of our friends from the Royal Thai Embassy. We were honored to receive them and as ever so hospitable, they brought us flowers and gifts!

And then came the surprise... The statuettes came alive in a ritual performance as the opening gambit. The guests witness in awe as the dancers moved artistically and fluidly to the sounds of a modern Asian track.

Then dinner is served. More guests arrived while others feasted on the sumptious buffet spread.

Believe it or not, it was His Excellency the Thai Ambassador who started the water fight! He wanted to say hello to our chefs and everyone in the kitchen so he walked in with the whole entourage, including me.

Before we knew it, the splashing started. From kitchen to the restaurant floor, we ran and screamed, shocking the rest of the guests.

The rest of the night was just lots of splashing, from water sprays to water guns and then buckets!! Everyone left Tamarind Hill not only drenched from fun but powdered white! You see, it's the Thai custom that they throw either sweet-smelling talcum powder or flour at you after wetting you. Apparently, for good omen whilst looking ghostly (?) :)

Too bad we don't have a picture of our white faces to show you here..... you know, we were having way too much fun to bother about being on camera!



Blogger Banquets in Indore said...

Amazing event Seems like all people enjoyed alot. Events In Delhi

6:05 AM  

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